Mar 11, 2008

Massolu & Massalla Gassi ( Konkani Cuisine )

'' Massolu'' is the main ingredient of making '' Gassi '' in Konkani cuisine. It can either be freshly prepared or made in bulk in advance and used as per requirement. One can make Gassi with various combination of vegetables and cereals - like soornu - chono ( yam - black channa), ovro - dentto (beans - drumstick), chono - dentto. I opted for a different non traditional combination of cauliflower and mutter. All these combinations are topped with seasoned "chunde-phel" or Chundakka - the description, benefits and photo is shown below.
The combination of Ittu - Gassi is irresistable to every Konkani ( Ittu is a variety of idli - but the idli batter with lots of chopped ginger is steam cooked in jack fruit leaves instead of utensils). It also goes very well with rice, polo( dosa), idli as well.

Ingredients of '' Massolu ''
Grated coconut -1/2 coconut.
Red Chilly - 8.
Coriander seeds -3 tablespoon
Jeera - 1 teaspoon


Roast above ingredients till brown and make a paste in a mixer with thick consistancy. (Do not add water while making in bulk - for single use, one can add little water for easy grinding).

Base for gassi is turdal. Cook turdal ( 1/4 cup) till done. Boil veg in turdal stock. Add 2 tomatoes for tangy taste. When all the ingradients are fully cooked, add massolu and bring to boil. Slit chundakka and shallow fry in oil till it starts changing color. Add this to gassi.


Massolla Gassi

Chundakka ( Chundephel)

Turkey berry is an erect spiny shrub that is also known by prickley solanum, shoo-shoo bush, devil’s fig, wild egg plant, susumba, boo, terongan, berenjena cimarrona, berenjena de gallina, berenjena silvestre, tabacón, pendejera, tomatillo, bâtard balengène, zamorette, friega-platos, pea eggplant, makhua phuang (Thai: มะเขือพวง),

Solanum torvum Swartz (devil's fig) also Solanum hermanii, sundaikkai in Tamil is a bushy perennial plant used horticulturally as a rootstock for eggplant.

Turkey berry contains a number of potentially pharmacologically active chemicals including the sapogenin steroid, chlorogenin. Extracts of the plant are reported to be useful in the treatment of hyperactivity, colds and , pimples, skin diseases, and leprosy. Turkey berry is being crossed with eggplant in an attempt to incorporate genes for resistance to Verticillium wilt into the vegetable.

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