Mar 27, 2008

Nutritious Salad & Puri - Potato Masala

Ingredients for Nutritious Salad

Red Kidney beans, Chick peas, Black eyed peas and Kabuli ( white ) Channa- 1 cup ( soak overnight and pressure cook for 20 minutes )
Tomato - 1 ( cut into cubes )
Onion - 1 ( cut into cubes )
Lime juice - 1 teaspoon
Salt - to taste
Coriander leaves for garnishing


Mix all the ingredients together and garnish with coriander leaves.

Health Benefits of nutritious pulses salad

Pulses are 20 to 25% protein by weight, which is double the protein content of wheat and three times that of rice. For this reason, pulses are sometimes called "poor man’s meat". While pulses are generally high in protein, and the digestibility of that protein is also high, they often are relatively poor in the essential amino acid methionine. Grains (which are themselves deficient in lysine) are commonly consumed along with pulses to form a complete protein.

Health in Pulses

Pulses have significant nutritional and health advantages for consumers. They are the most important dietary predictor of survival in older people of different ethnicities and in the Seven Countries Study, legume consumption was highly correlated with a reduced mortality from coronary heart disease.

Puri & Potato Masala
Ingredients for '' Puri dough "
Whole wheat atta - 1 cup
Maida- 1/4 cup
Saffola Atta Mix -3 teaspoon
Salt - 1 teaspoon
Warm water for mixing
Oil for frying


  1. Niya, thats a healthy n lovely yum spread!

  2. love salads and this pulses salad looks very healthy. Thats one healthy plate.
