Aug 18, 2008

Alphonso Mango

Alphonso (हापुस Haapoos in Marathi, Aapoos in North Karnataka Kannada) is a Mango cultivar that is considered by many to be one of the best in terms of sweetness and flavor. It is especially infamous for its short shelf life. It is also one of the most expensive kinds of mango and is grown mainly in western India. It is in season April through May. Weighs between 150g to 300 grams each.

Characteristics -Size—Medium.

Shape—Ovate oblique, base obliquely falttened; ventral shoulder broader and higher than dorsal.

Skin– Medium thick, Yellow.

Taste—Sweet; juice moderate to abundant fruit quality excellent. Sweet aroma with characteristic flavour, fibreless flesh.

Usage– Pulps, canning, juice, puree and concentrates.

Storage—The fruit should be precooled immediately after harvesting and stored at 12 degree—13 degree C. The temperature should not go below 10.5 degree C as this cause chilling injury. Fruit keeping quality is good.

Ratnagiri, Devgarh, Mumbai, Bangalore and Valsad

WEIGHT -One piece of Mango - 250-350 gm

N U T R I T I O N -(Per 100 gm of edible portion)

Edible portion ……..……….…….74.00%
Fat ………………………..…….……...0.40gm
Vitamin C……….….……………....16.00mg
Vitamin B….….…...………...…...1.07mg
Vitamin A………………………...….2743.00ug

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