Sep 18, 2008

Beauty tips during monsoon

Follow these home remedies for healthy and glowing skin.

Oily skin

Those who have oily skin need to get rid of the dead cells and grime. A mild cleanser will work best for your skin type. Pure oatmeal scrub can be used to cleanse your skin. You can also use ripe papaya pulp as a mild exfoliator.

Dry skin

A honey cleanser and almond paste is good for your skin. Make a paste of almonds by crushing 10 of them and then add two teaspoons of honey to it. Massage it on the face for five to seven minutes. Rinse your face and pat-dry. One teaspoon honey, one teaspoon jojoba oil can do wonders for our skin. Make a paste of all these and apply it on your face and neck. Leave it on for 10 minutes and then wash it off with water.

Combination skin

Apply on your face and neck a mixture of two teaspoons of rose water, two drops of strawberry oil and fresh orange oil. Leave the pack on for 10 minutes and then wash it off. Follow this and you will look as fresh as ever during the rains.

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