Jun 10, 2009

Grihapravesham & Upanayanam

After the exciting Malaysian Holidays, hardly had I settled down in Chennai, we had to repack our bags in less than a weeks time. This time to God’s Own Country Kerala.

It was for the fulfillment of a long cherished dream ( in fact twin dreams) of our – to perform the Grihapravesham of our holiday home apartment in Trivandrum ( Nikunjam Fortune , Jawahar Nagar, Kawdiar ) and the 2nd one being our only Son’s Upanayanam.

Even though we were planning for these events for weeks and months, there was only a little time left for the final preparation. We had to invite all the relatives, personally supervise the finishing touches at the apartment and also make all the arrangements for these functions. The days were hectic with me, husband and kid running around to make the things perfect.

The Grihapravesham was on Sat, the 6th of June and Upanayanam was on 7th. Since all our relatives were scattered all over Kerala, we arranged for their travel , stay in Trivandrum and also arranged all the catering for the entire day(s).

On the first day 75 odd people attended the function which was at our apartment. The upanayanam was performed on a specially erected – decorated podium in the car parking bay. Since the apartment complex is yet to be fully occupied, there was ample space for the function and the feast was arranged at the decks of the swimming pool. More than 160 people attended the function and blessed us.

We were very glad that both these function went extremely well and we were able to take good care of the guests. Apart from the customary feast, we also gave sweet hampers to all the guests.

We installed all the required fittings and equipment at our apartment, and it was looking extremely nice. It was with a heavy heart that we locked our apartment promising to comeback at the earliest. Had it not for our darling son’s school ( which he missed for a week due to this function) , we would have stayed there for a few more days and enjoyed the comforts it offered.
We reached Chennai yesterday and my son commenced the next academic year. Me back in my routine.

From now onwards, I shall be updating the blog on a daily basis. Thanks for the patience of all my viewers and mail subscribers.

1 comment:

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