Jun 24, 2010

Patta Cake

Patta Cake

The name refers to patting the mixture between the palms of the hands to form a flat cake.

Recipe Credit - The Popular Potato : Best Recipes ( Author - Valwyn Mcmonigal )

Makes: 6
Serves: 2 - 3


4 medium potatoes, boiled and mashed
1 tablespoon milk
1 tablespoon all purpose flour
6 tablespoon leftover cooked meat or egg mixture
2 tablespoon oil


Mash potatoes with milk.

Add flour and make a stiff dough.

Add little flour or milk if necessary.

Divide the potato mixture into 6 portions.

Press one portion out with your hand to make a circle.

Fill with a tablespoon meat, fold and press edges closed.

Gently press in palm till flattened.

Repeat with remaining potato mixture and meat.

In a non - stick frying pan, heat 1 tablespoon oil and shallow fry cakes until lightly browned on both sides. Sprinkle remaining oil if required when frying.

Serve hot with tomato sauce.

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