Sep 3, 2010

Chiroti / Phenori

Chiroti / Phenori

Makes : 9 - 10
Preparation time : 45 mins


Maida or all purpose flour: 1 cup ( 200g )
Rice flour: 2 teaspoon
Ghee : 2 teaspoon
Salt: a pinch
Powdered sugar : 3 tablespoon
Cardamom powder: 1/2 teaspoon
Ghee: 2 teaspoon
Water for mixing the dough ( 80 ml )
Extra maida
Extra ghee for frying


Mix flours, salt and ghee. Add sufficient water ( 80 ml ) to make a puri dough. Keep the dough in an airtight container for almost 1 hour.

Mix sugar and cardamom and make a fine powder in a mixer.. Keep it aside.

Make 9 small roti-size balls from the dough. Roll into thin rotis.

Keep one roti on a flat board. Apply a bit of ghee on the roti, sprinkle 1/4 teaspoon of maida on it.

Keep the next roti on the first one ( keep the second roti slightly lower down, it should not cover the full roti. Repeat the procedure ).

Roll the rotis into a tight roll (do not apply pressure).

Cut the roll into 9 equal pieces.

Take one piece, with the help of a rolling pin, roll it into small circles.

Take extra care at this stage. It should not be rolled like a normal puri. Roll from center to the side, from all sides. All the layers should be clearly visible.

Heat ghee in a pan. Deep fry the chirotis on a medium flame. While frying, slightly press the chirotis on the layers so as to make the layers separate (do not apply pressure). Take out on a clean kitchen towel.

Spread the sugar - cardamom mixture on the fried chiroti.

Store it in a dry, airtight container. This remains good at least for 15 days (if stored in a dry place).


  1. Hi Niya,

    Just joined in...recipe is new ...will try it out...

