Nov 30, 2010

Billy Kee Chicken

Billy Kee Chicken

Recipe credit - Australian Women’s weekly Chinese cooking class cookbook

This recipe is from the well known Four Seas Restaurant in Elizabeth street, Redfern. Billy Kee Chicken is one of the most popular items on the menu.

Serves : 3-4


750 g chicken ( without skin )
2 egg yolks
Oil for deep frying
¼ cup tomato sauce
¼ cup dry red wine
½ teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
Salt and pepper to taste


Cut chicken into serving sized pieces, cut meat away from bones ( or you can use boneless chicken also ).

Chop chicken into small pieces. Add to lightly beaten egg yolk : mix well.

Heat oil in pan or wok, deep fry chicken in batches until lightly browned. Remove from pan , drain well.

Drain oil from pan. Add to pan combined wine , tomato sauce and Worcestershire sauce. Stir over heat until sauce boils. Add chicken pieces, mix well, allow to heat through . Season with salt and pepper.


  1. Very easy and inviting billy kee chicken..tempting!

  2. My son loves chicken and I would try this when he is home.
