Dec 3, 2010

Veg Balls in Garlic Sauce ( Ching's secret recipe )

Veg Balls in Garlic sauce - Ching’s secret recipe

Makes: 10 balls


For the Vegetable Balls:

1/2 cup grated carrot (4 small carrots )
½ cup cauliflower, grated
1/2 cup ( 8 French beans ) finely chopped French beans
3 - 4 tablespoon bread crumbs ( to make even sized balls )
1 tablespoon cornflour
1 teaspoon oil
Salt and black pepper powder to taste
Oil for deep-frying ( 150 ml oil )

For Garlic sauce:

2 teaspoon Smith and Jones Ginger Garlic paste ( or fresh and homemade )
1 teaspoon finely chopped small green chilli
2 teaspoon Ching's Secret Vinegar
2 teaspoon Ching's Secret Soy sauce,
2 teaspoon Ching's Secret Oyster sauce,
1/2 cup finely chopped spring onions whites,
2 teaspoon sesame oil
1/4 teaspoon pepper, crushed
1 teaspoon cornflour
1 1/2 tablespoons Ching's Secret Schezuan sauce
2 teaspoon sugar
1/4 cup water


For veg balls:

Heat oil in wok and stir fry the vegetables for 2 -3 minutes. Turn of the gas and keep it aside to cool.

To these vegetables add salt, soy sauce, pepper powder, bread crumbs, corn flour and mix well. Do not add water .

Make small sized balls and deep fry in oil till they turn golden brown. Drain them in paper tissue and keep them aside.

Final preparation:

Heat oil in wok and add all ingredients of the Garlic Sauce. Keep stirring the sauce till it thickens.

Usually it takes 5-7 minutes. Dip veg balls into the hot garlic sauce just before serving ( or pour hot garlic sauce over veg balls ).

Garnish with finely chopped spring onion greens. Serve hot with noodles or fried rice.