Mar 31, 2011

Appam with Bulls Eye / Fried Egg on top

Appam with Bulls Eye / Fried Egg on top

The other day I saw an article about many variations of Appam / Aappam being served in a couple of chain hotels in Chennai. Though I haven’t tasted them yet, I thought of making them and here’s one of the variation. Essentially this is an appam with a fried egg / Bulls eye on top. In both those hotel chain ( Nala’s Appakadai & Simran’s Appakadai ) many other variations like Chicken mince appam & Cheese appam also available.

Appam with Omelette on top

Here’s how I made it: Prepare appam batter and pour it in the appakadai. When the appam is 3/4 th done break and pour an egg on the top of the appam carefully such that the yolk is intact. Cover it and allow to cook on a low heat. Once done remove the appam carefully from the pan and serve hot with Vegetable / Chicken stew, Korma and also sprinkle salt and pepper powder ( optional ).

Different type of Cheese

Soft & White cheese

Blue Cheese

Cheddar Cheese

Eye Cheese - Swiss style

Fresh & Cream Cheese

Fetta Style Cheese

Goat's Cheese

Hard Italian Style Cheese

Washed Rind Cheese

Mozzarella & Haloumi Cheese

Kitchen Tip

Source - Femina Handy Hints

An easy, effective way of greasing a tawa / frying pan for making Dosas (Polo) is by using a half- slice onion dipped in oil. Hold the onion by piercing with a fork.

Storage tip for Salt:

Source - Idealhome

To avoid moisture from setting into your table salt, drop a few grains of rice into salt shaker.