Mar 12, 2011

Calorie content in Snacks

Calories in Snacks

Instant noodles, 1 packet - 402 calories

Potato chips, Large packet - 547 calories

Idli, 1 piece - 66 calories

Poha, Small bowl - 123 calories

Vegetable Upma, small bowl - 120 calories

Burger, 1 - 380 calories

French fries, small serving - 180 calories

Cream biscuit, 1 - 50 calories

Samosa, 1 - 156 calories

Green salad, Small bowl - 53 calories

Roasted peanuts, Small bowl - 210 calories

Roasted chana, Small bowl- 92 calories

Khakra, 1 - 70 calories

Health benefits of Cauliflower

Health Benefits of Cauliflower

Source - Reader's Digest

An excellent source of vitamin C.

A good source of folate and potassium.

Low in calories and high in fiber.

An anticancer food.

To retain flavor and reduce nutrient loss, cook cauliflower rapidly by boiling in a minimum amount of water or steaming. Too much cooking turns cauliflower mushy and releases sulfurous compounds, resulting in an unpleasant odor and bitter taste. Boiling the vegetable in an open pot helps disperse these compounds. To avoid discoloring the cauliflower, don’t cook it in aluminum or iron pots.

When buying cauliflower, look for a head with firm, compact florets. If it is fresh, the leaves will be crisp and green, and the head, snowy white.

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