Apr 15, 2011

Diet for Diabetes

Diet for Diabetes

Source - B positive, Apollo

Diet plays a significant role in controlling diabetes. The main objective of a diabetic diet is to maintain ideal body weight by providing adequate nutrition along with maintaining normal blood sugar levels in blood. It is achieved by a diet in protein and complex carbs and low in fats and simple carbs. There is no common diet that works for everyone. One has to be just careful about the following.

Fibre should be in every meal, in the form of raw fruits, vegetables, whole cereals etc.

Add wheat bran to your wheat flour, to increase fibre in your diet.

You can also add flax seed and fenugreek (methi) seeds into the wheat flour.

Bakery products and fast foods should be avoided.

Have nuts rich in mono unsaturated fat, such as walnuts and almonds (not more than four almonds).

Eat pasta and leafy salads along with beans, to reduce LDL ‘bad’ cholesterol.

Fat free milk, yogurt and cheese can be eaten.

White meats like chicken and fish are good, so is egg white.

Increase intake of dry beans and peas.

Intake of cinnamon, garlic, onion, bitter gourd, are known to considerably reduce blood sugar levels.

1 comment:

  1. A good meal plan also needs to fit in with your schedule and eating habits. This is absolutely essential. In order for any diet to work it must be followed so it's important that your diet is tailored to your needs, tastes and life-style.
