Jun 18, 2011

Homemade Biryani Masala (Spice powder for Biryani)

Homemade Biryani Masala (Spice powder for Biryani)

Here’s a simple method to prepare biryani masala at home. You need the following ingredients.

Makes: 4 tablespoon (60 g)

Cardamom - 12 nos
Nutmeg - 1 nut
Mace (Javithri / jaathipathri) -2 nos
Shahjeera - 2 tablespoon
Cloves - 8 nos
Cinnamon - 2 piece (each 2 - inch in size)
Jeera (cumin seeds) - 1 teaspoon
Saunf (Fennel /perumjeerakam)- 1 teaspoon


In an iron kadai (flat frying pan), dry roast above ingredients on a low heat till fragrant and crisp (approximate roasting time 10 - 12 minutes). Transfer these ingredients into a mixer bowl and grind to a smooth powder. Store in an airtight container to retain its freshness.

This powder can be used to make biryani with chicken / mutton / egg / prawns / veg. One can even make biryani with tapioca and jackfruit (raw / tender).

Normally the ideal proportion for biryani is 1: 1 . For eg: 1/2 kg rice (uncooked rice) and 1/2 kg mutton or chicken (or what ever other alternatives - prawn, mix vegetables etc).

Add this powder to prawns / mutton during cooking (along with coriander powder, green chillies, ginger garlic paste, coriander and mint leaves...) and not to be added to the rice.

The exact quantity of this powder to be added to the biryani depends on ones taste. If one need spicy biryani add more - as required. For medium spice - 1 1/2 teaspoon is sufficient for half a kilogram meat /chicken / prawns / vegetables .

Make in smaller quantity - ie for use for a few times. The fragrance / freshness may be lost if one makes in large quantity and store for longer duration.

Wish you all to become experts in tasty biryani :)


  1. Hi Niya, I'm Charmaine from Malaysia. I've not made Briyani rice before but I'd like to try making some for Deepavali this year. I'm looking for a recipe that teaches me to make plain briyani rice. Just to clarify on this recipe, I only use 1 tablespoon to 500 grams of basmati rice yes? Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks so much :)

  2. Hi Charmaine, Thanks for detailed query. This biryani masala we've to add along with lamb / chicken or prawns.I think no need to add with rice.In India, we won't add masala in plain rice. Another suggestion is ghee rice and chicken curry is a wonderful combo. I'll find out more details on biryani masala soon. Here's the recipe of ghee rice with whole spices.
