Jun 13, 2011

Mango Shrikhand

Mango Shrikhand - A popular Maharashtrian / Gujarati sweet

Serves: 2 - 3

You will need

Fresh curd - 125 g ( hung and drained of liquid )
Sugar – 1 tablespoon ( powdered )
Ripe mango pieces - 2 tablespoon (30 g)
Elaichi (Cardamom ) powder - 2 pinches


Boil 500 ml ( half litre ) milk. Once the milk starts boiling reduce the heat and allow it to simmer for 10 - 15 minutes, so as to allow water content in the milk to reduce (I recommend full cream milk). Switch off heat.

Allow the milk to cool down to luke warm temperature and then make curd (overnight or 6 - 8 hours).

Once the curd is set pour the curd on to a clean muslin cloth and hang and drain the water from the curd for 2 - 3 hours (see the photo below ).

Once the water drains off remove the contents from the muslin cloth ( approximately 125 g thick curd ).

In a blender, make a smooth paste of thick curd along with powdered sugar and ripe mango pieces.

Pour this shrikhand mixture into separate serving bowls and sprinkle cardamom powder on top and leave in the refrigerator for 3 - 4 hours, so that the mix thickens. Serve when required.