Aug 5, 2011

Homemade Pulao Masala

Homemade Pulao Masala (Spice powder for Pulao)

Here’s a simple method to prepare pulao masala at home. You need the following ingredients.

Makes: 25 g

You will need

12 cloves
2 cm cinnamon - 4 sticks
4 cardamoms
6 small bay leaves
4 star anise (badyan)
12 pepper corns


In an iron kadai (flat frying pan), dry roast above ingredients on a low heat till fragrant and crisp (approximate roasting time 10 - 12 minutes). Transfer these ingredients into a mixer bowl and grind to a smooth powder. Store in an airtight container to retain its freshness.

The exact quantity of this powder to be added to the pulao depends on ones taste. If one need spicy pulao add more - as required. For medium spice - 1 1/4 teaspoon is sufficient for 1 cup (200 g) rice and meat /chicken / prawns / vegetables .

Make in smaller quantity - ie for use for a few times. The fragrance / freshness may be lost if one makes in large quantity and store for longer duration.

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