Sep 12, 2011

Ada Prathaman (with jaggery)

Ada Prathaman

A very tasty sweet, made of rice ada, jaggery, thin and thick coconut milk.

Serves: 6 - 8 dessert cups

Suggestion - Highly recommending for homemade coconut milk

You will need

For ada preparation:

150 g rice ada (available @ all leading supermarkets and Indian stores. Popular brands are Nirapara, Double Horse, NS, Athulya...)
1 litre hot water

For coconut milk:

125 ml thick coconut milk (250 g grated coconut required for coconut milk)
250 ml thin coconut milk

Other ingredients

1 tablespoon ghee
150 - 180 g melted and sieved jaggery
1/4 teaspoon cardamom powder


For ada:

Wash rice ada with plain water and drain out water. Boil 1 litre water and keep rice ada in hot water for half an hour. Cover with a lid. Wash the soaked ada with cold water for 2 - 3 times. Drain out water thoroughly (quantity of the ada will double after soaking).

Heat ghee in a wide pan. Add rice ada and fry for 5 minutes on a low to medium heat until the water dries up.

Add 250 ml thin coconut milk and cook on a low to medium heat for 15 minutes or until coconut milk slightly thickens.

At this point, add melted and sieved jaggery (150 - 180 ml). Stir well continuously on a low to medium heat for 25 minutes or until rice adas well combined with jaggery and coconut milk and thickens and also there is a reduction in quantity. Do not stir on high heat. Maintain low to medium heat.

Switch off the heat and keep aside to cool for 15 minutes. Finally add thick coconut milk (125 ml) and mix well. Sprinkle 1/4 teaspoon cardamom powder. Serve warm or cold.

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