Oct 15, 2011



A very delicious sweet. Rich in taste and high in calories !!!!

Makes: 10

You will need

1 cup (100 g) split roasted gram dal / pottu kadalai/ porikadala
1 cup (100 g) sugar (or 75 g - 90g - medium sweet)
1/2 cup (50 ml) melted hot ghee (or 30 - 40 ml)
1/4 teaspoon cardamom powder


Make fine powder of pottukadai and sugar separately.

In a wide bowl, mix powdered sugar, pottukadai and cardamom powder together.

Pour melted hot ghee over it. Mix all the ingredients together.

Roll the mix tightly into laddu / small balls (10 laddus / balls). Size can vary as per preference. Spread them on a tissue paper so that any residual ghee will be removed. Store in an air tight container.

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