Dec 16, 2011

Onion Sambal

Refreshing Sambals

Simple, quick to make, and a delicious addition to any curry meal, sambals use similar ingredients to western salads: onions, cucumber, tomatoes. But there are the similarity ends. The vegetables are thinly sliced and dressed with lemon juice, salt, fresh herbs such as coriander or mint leaves, and (if you wish) a touch of chilli or chilli powder.

Serves: 3 - 4

You will need

2 or 3 medium onions

Salt, sugar and lemon juice to taste (or 1/2 teaspoon salt, ½ teaspoon sugar and 2 teaspoon lemon juice)

1 tablespoon chopped coriander leaves

Few slices of hot fresh red chilli or pinch of red chilli powder


Peel and slice onions thinly. Sprinkle salt, sugar and squeeze lemon juice. Stir in coriander leaves and chilli or red chilli powder, if desired. Serve at once.

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