May 1, 2012

Mixed Vegetables Oats Omelette

Mixed vegetables Oats Omelette

A tasty omelette, made of mixed vegetables and oats. Best with fruit juice / milk / wholewheat bread …

Serves: 1 - 2

Cooking Time: 10 minutes

Preparation Time: 10 minutes


2 eggs

2 teaspoons milk

2 teaspoons oats

1 tablespoon grated carrot

1 tablespoon shredded cabbage (remove thick vein)

1 tablespoon chopped coriander leaves

2 teaspoons finely chopped onion

Salt to taste ( 1/4 teaspoon )

Pepper powder to taste ( 1/4 teaspoon )

1 teaspoon cooking oil


Whisk egg and milk in a medium bowl until soft peaks form ( quantity will be double ). Finally mix with grated carrot, cabbage, onion, oats, coriander leaves, salt, and pepper. Lightly coat an omelette pan or small skillet with cooking oil and heat over medium heat 1 minute. Pour omelette mixture into pan and cook until mixture begin to set on bottom. Approximately cooking time 6 - 8 minutes on a medium to low heat ( Do not cook on high heat. It will get dark brown color immediately and won't cook inside).

The underside should be light golden in color.

Remove the omelette from the pan carefully.

Flip over omelette and cook the other side. Once it turn light golden color, remove carefully with a flat spatula. Serve with whole wheat bread / milk / fruit juice.


  1. so healthy and delicious!

  2. Looks yummy and healthy. Would like to try this recipe.
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