Dec 17, 2012

How to make Double Chapati?

How to make Double Chapati ?

Smart recipe idea  from Vegetarian Delicacies by Padma Santhanaraman !!!


Sufficient  chapatti dough

1 teaspoon ghee or oil


Make 2 lemon sized balls out of chapatti dough.

Flatten them separately with a rolling pin to about 3 – inches in diameter (smaller than normal chapatti or like puri).

Smear with ghee or oil one side of a chapatti.

Place the second chapatti over it.

Roll it together to about 6 – inches in diameter.

Cook on hot tawa on both the sides on a medium heat. Chapati will puff now (like phulka).

When done, separate them with the help of a needle or with a kitchen scissor. No need to apply oil or ghee again on the top of the chapati.

Fold each soft chapati layer like a triangle.

Spread a clean and soft kitchen towel in a chapatti box and keep chapatis in the box. Cover with kitchen towel. Chapatis will remain fresh and soft.

Here's the recipe of Phulka.

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