Jul 29, 2013

Milkmaid Chocolate Fudge

Milkamaid Chocolate Fudge - A delicious dessert, made of milkmaid sweetened condensed milk

Preparation time: 5 minutes
Cooking time: 20-25 minutes
Makes: 16 squares


Milkmaid Sweetened Condensed Milk - 1 tin (400 g)

Powdered sugar - ½ cup (60 g)

Cocoa powder - ¾ cup (40 g)

Walnuts or Cashew nuts, coarsely chopped - 1 cup, (100 g)

Butter - 100 g

Maida - 2 tablespoon


 Mix all the ingredients, except walnuts / cashew nuts in a karahi  / pan and heat.

 Cook on low heat till mixture thickens and starts moving in a mass (soft ball stage, approximately 22- 25 minutes). Switch off the heat. Stir in the walnuts / cashew nuts.

 Pour onto a greased plate/ tray and smoothen the surface. Cool and cut into 2” squares.

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