Aug 17, 2013

Til Laddu

Til Laddoo – Til Laddu  / Tilache laddu / Ellunda is a popular sweet in Indian cuisine, made of dry roasted til and jaggery.

Makes: 14 medium size  Laddoos or 16 small size laddus


1 cup / 200 ml / 8 oz good quality til (white sesame seeds)

6 tablespoons melted and sieved jaggery

1/4 teaspoon cardamom powder

1  tablespoon ghee

Extra 2 teaspoon ghee ( to make  laddoo )


Here’s the recipe link of How to make melted and sieved jaggery? This step is very important for the preparation of laddu and other jaggery related sweets.

For the Til :

In an iron karahi, dry roast til  until crisp and fragrant. Stir continuously on medium to low heat. Approximate dry roasting time is 15 minutes. Keep aside.

Heat a non stick pan medium heat. Add the melted and sieved  jaggery in a  and stir continuously over a steady medium heat.  The syrup at this stage will boil vigorously with lots of bubbles.

To test the syrup is ready, drop a teaspoon of hot jaggery syrup in cold water. If it form a jaggery ball / doesn't melt (thick and sticky, it can be rolled into a soft ball), then the syrup is ready ( If the syrup is not ready, it won’t form a ball and jaggery dilute / melt in water and cold water become yellow / light brown color).

Final preparation:

Add 1 tablespoon  ghee in jaggery syrup. Mix well and remove from the heat.

Now add roasted til  and cardamom powder. Mix all the ingredients with a flat spatula.

Smear the palms with a little ghee and roll portions of the mixture into small and firm laddoos (when it is medium hot / manageable hot). Store it in an airtight container.

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