Oct 11, 2013

Bread Gulab Jamun

Bread Gulab Jamun – A quick & delicious Indian sweet, made of  bread slices and sugar syrup.

Makes: 7


For the sugar syrup:

½ cup / 100 ml/ 4 oz sugar

½ cup + 2 tablespoon water

1/4 teaspoon cardamom powder


In a wide bowl, boil sugar and water for 12 minutes (until slightly thickens) on a medium heat. Switch off the heat. Sprinkle cardamom powder.

For the bread:

6  bread slices  (135 g net weight before trimming the edges) milk bread or sweet bread , trim the edges (4 sides) (please do not use garlic bread, masala bread, herb bread, ragi bread…)

60 ml (4 tablespoon) milk

200 ml oil (to deep fry)


In a bowl, 6 mix bread slices and 3 tablespoon milk. Knead and make a soft dough. Add extra 1 tablespoon milk if required to make a soft dough.  It’s very easy to knead and no need  to give pressure like chapatti dough. Bread – milk dough is soft and not elastic like chapatti  dough.

Divide this dough into 7 parts and make equal size round balls.

Heat oil in a deep  frying pan / karahi. Do not fry on high heat. Reduce the heat to medium (wait for 1 minute) and deep fry on both the sides until golden brown in batches (4 jamuns at a time – depending upon size of the karahi)). Drain out from the oil and  soak fried gulab jamuns in hot sugar syrup for 2 hours or  until they completely absorb the syrup. Serve warm or cold.

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