Oct 12, 2013

Garam Masala Powder

Garam Masala Powder - Garam masala means ‘ warming spice mix’. It can be a mixture of whole or ground spices. Recipe from ‘’The Food of India’’. Make in smaller quantity - ie for use for a few times. The fragrance / freshness may be lost if one makes in large quantity and store for longer duration.

Makes: 3 level tablespoons


8 cardamom pods, remove seeds from cardamom pods

2 bay leaves (cassia leaves)

1 teaspoon peppercorns

1 teaspoon cloves

2 teaspoon cumin seeds

5 cm piece of cinnamon

2 teaspoon coriander  seeds


Heat iron karahi / pan on a medium heat. Reduce  the heat to low and gently dry  roast above spices until fragrant and crisp (approximate time 10 – 12 minutes on a medium to low heat). Keep aside to cool for half an hour.

Transfer dry roasted ingredients into  a small mixer bowl and make a fine powder and then sieve it through a fine sieve. Store it in an airtight container (or in Tupperware dry storage box).

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