Oct 8, 2013

Ghavan (Rice flour polos / dosas / pancakes in Maharashtrian / Konkanastha Brahmin cuisine)

Ghavan (Rice flour – butter milk polos / dosas / pancakes in Maharashtrian / Konkanastha Brahmin cuisine). Basic recipe from BBC Goodfood  India magazine, October, 2013 !!

Ghavan is a rice flour crepe that’s eaten in every Konkanastha Brahmin  home as a snack or for breakfast. It makes use of basic store cupboard ingredients. Once you’ve got the recipe right, the possibilities of flavouring them as endless. Eat them hot off the pan with a dollop of ghee.

Makes: 6 – 7


1 cup / 200 ml / 8 oz (Indian standard measuring cup) rice flour (orva pitti / ari podi)

¾ to 1 cup butter milk

2 tablespoon chopped coriander leaves

1 green chilli, finely chopped

2 tablespoon finely chopped onion (optional)

½ teaspoon salt (or to taste)

2 - 3 teaspoon oil


In bowl, mix all the ingredients (except oil) and whisk until smooth. Batter should be slightly thinner than normal dosa batter. No need to keep this batter for fermentation. Once can prepare instantly or after 1 – 2 hours.

Heat a dosa pan / griddle on high heat. Reduce the heat to medium. Smear little oil over the surface of the pan while it heats.

Pour a ladleful of batter and spread it evenly (2 – 3 circular rotations). Cover with a lid for 30 seconds or until top portion done.

When the ghavan turns slightly brown on underside, flip it and allow to cook for a minute. Gently remove with a flat spatula. Repeat this process for remaining ghavan batter. Serve  hot with pickle / chutneys / any vegetable dishes …

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