Nov 12, 2013

Dudhi Upkari

Dudhi Upkari – A very easy side dish in Konkan cuisine. Best with rice and other accompaniments !!

Serves: 2


2 teaspoon oil

½ teaspoon mustard seeds

2 green chilies, slit lengthwise

200 g pumpkin (dudhi / mathanga), gently remove outer skin, pumpkin seeds and cut into 1 – inch thin slices

½ teaspoon salt (or to taste)


In a pan, heat oil on a medium heat. Add mustard seeds. When they splutter, add slit green chillies and saute for 1 minute.

Add pumpkin slices and salt to taste.

Do not add water.

Cover with a lid and cook on a low heat for 10 minutes or until done / dry in consistency.

Serve as a side dish with Rice, Rasam, Sambar, Gashi ...

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