Dec 7, 2013

Cashew nuts in Caramelized Sugar

Cashew nuts in Caramelized Sugar – A tasty & quick  sweet, made of cashew nut splits and sugar. It’s almost like peanut brittle / candy / bar !!!


Ratio of sugar and cashew nut splits  1: 3/4

1 cup sugar

¾ cup cashew nut splits


Heat a frying pan or karahi on a medium heat. Add 1 cup sugar and spread it evenly. Do not stir or shake the frying pan. Sugar will slowly melt and become a smooth solution without any sugar crystals / golden color thick syrup.

At this stage, add cashew nut splits and stir well quickly. Switch off the heat.

Remove from the heat  and pour into  a baking tray. Once it reaches normal temperature, break into pieces. Store in an airtight container.

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