Feb 2, 2014

Potato Bread Cutlet

Potato Bread Cutlet – A delicious evening snack !!!

Makes: 7 - 8


3 medium size potatoes, boiled and mashed

2 brown bread or whole wheat or normal bread slices

½ teaspoon salt

½ teaspoon red chilli powder

¼ teaspoon turmeric powder

½ teaspoon garam masala powder

1 tablespoon chopped onion

2 tablespoon chopped coriander leaves

200 ml oil (to deep fry)


Dip bread slices in ¼ water for 30 seconds. Immediately squeeze out water. In a bowl, mix all the ingredients  (except oil) with squeezed bread slices and make a soft dough (gently knead and make a soft dough). Adding bread will make cutlet mixture easy to mould and strong.

For the outer covering:

1 tablespoon all purpose flour (maida)

3 tablespoon water

½ cup bread crumbs (or a mix of bread crumbs and powdered corn flakes)

Dilute flour in water and make a smooth solution (without any lumps).

Final procedure:

Divide cutlet mixture into 7 parts. 

Make round or oval shape. Dip each cutlet into diluted maida  solution  and roll in breadcrumbs. 

Breadcrumbs should  be coated  well / evenly  and make strong cutlets.

Heat oil in a frying pan or karahi on high heat. Reduce the heat to medium  (wait for 1 minute,  do not fry on high heat) and deep fry 4 cutlets at a time till brown color and crisp on both the sides. 

Drain out from oil and place on kitchen towel  / paper towel to absorb extra oil. Serve hot with fresh salad (challas) or tomato ketchup or tea / coffee.

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