Jul 30, 2015

Fried Rice with Belacan Paste

Fried Rice with Belacan Paste

A delicious fried rice made of belachan paste (shrimp paste). This dish is popular in Malaysia and Thailand. Belacan paste available in blocks.

Serves: 2


1 tablespoon oil (olive oil / sun flower oil)
4 garlic cloves (chopped and crushed)
2 green chillies, chopped
2 eggs, beat well
½ - inch cube belacan paste (or 2 teaspoon grated)
1 teaspoon fish sauce

1 teaspoon oyster sauce
2 cups cooked and cooled rice
2 tablespoon chopped coriander leaves or 2 tablespoon spring onion greens


In a wok or deep and wide pan, heat oil on a medium heat.

Add crushed garlic and fry until golden color.

Add chopped green chillies and fry until golden color and crisp.

Add beaten egg and fry until well cooked

Add belacan paste, fish sauce and oyster sauce. Mix well on a low heat  for 2 – 3 minutes until it well blended with belacan paste and smooth in consistency.

Add cooked rice. No need to add salt. Belacan paste itself contains strong flavor of salt.

Mix well and fry for 5 – 8 minutes until all the ingredients well combined.

Finally add chopped coriander leaves or spring onion greens. Serve hot.

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