Apr 27, 2008

Moru Curry / Thakka kedy in Konkani Cuisine

Moru Curry / Thakka kedy in Konkani

You will need

Fresh thick curd – 1 cup

Water – ¼ cup

Turmeric powder – ½ teaspoon

Salt -1 teaspoon ( to taste )

Dilute curd with water, salt , turmeric power in Tupperware Quick Shake.( I always use Tupperware Quick Shake for better result.)

Seasoning ingredients

Mustard seeds – 1teaspoon
Jeera / cumin seeds – ½ teaspoon
Curry leaves – 1 spring
Green chilly – 1 , cut lengthwise
Shallots -5, cut into thin slices
Garlic- 3 cloves, cut into thin slices
Ginger – ½ inch piece, chopped fine
Cooking oil -1 teaspoon


Heat oil. Add all seasoning ingredients. Saute it slowly for 5-8 minutes. Switch off the gas flame. Finally add diluted curd. Mix it well. Serve with rice. Benefits : Easy to cook, easy to digest, less cholesterol, and curd is a milk product so it contains calcium.

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