May 15, 2010

Thayir Sadam / Curd Rice / Yogurt Rice

Thayir sadam / Curd Rice

Recipe Credit - Jiggs Kalra's Daawat

Serves: 4
Preparation Time: 1 hour 15 minutes


250 g / 1 1/4 cup Basmati rice
240 ml / 1 cup milk
1 kg / 4 cups yogurt
5 g / 1/2 - inch piece ginger
2 green chillies

For tempering:

20 g / 1 1/2 tablespoon butter
22.5 ml / 1 1/2 tablespoon cooking oil
1.25 g / 1/2 teaspoon rai / mustard seeds
4 whole red chillies
A pinch of hing / asafoetida
16 kari patta / curry leaves


The Rice: Pick, wash in running water, drain and reserve in water for 15 minutes. Drain.

The Milk: Bring to a boil, remove and cool.

The Yogurt: Whisk in a bowl.

The Vegetables: Scrap, wash and cut ginger into the juliennes. Wash green chillies, slit, seeds, finely chop and discard the stem. Wash curry leaf.

The Tempering: Wipe red chillies, clean with moist cloth. Soak asafoetida in 15 ml / 1 tablespoon of water.


Put the drained rice in a handi / pan, add salt to taste and water ( approximately 600 ml / 2 1/2 cups ) bring to a boil, cover and simmer, stirring occasionally, until the water is absorbed.

Then add milk, bring to a boil, reduce to low heat and cook until the rice is mashed and porridge consistency.

Remove and cool. When cool , add ginger juliennes and green chillies, stir, add yogurt, mix well and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.

The Tempering:

Heat oil or butter in a frying pan, add mustard seeds and stir over medium heat until they begin to pop, add red chillies and asafoetida, stir, add curry leaf and stir until it stops spluttering.

Remove the curd from the refrigerate and pour on the tempering. Adjust the seasoning, and garnish with grapes ( optional ) and serve chilled.

1 comment:

  1. curd rice...simple n easy...delicious...thanks for sharing this!
