Aug 19, 2010

Hing ( asafoetida ) Chutney / Hinga Thambeli

Hing ( asafoetida ) Chutney / Hinga Thambeli

This is a popular chutney in Mangalorean cuisine. Easy to prepare and very tasty ( but the taste is completely different from normal coconut chutney ). Goes well with dosa ( polo ), idli, santhan, vada, pakoda, bonda, bajji ..

Serves: 2 - 3

You will need

1 teaspoon oil
3 red chillies
1/4 teaspoon hing
1 cup ( 125 g ) grated coconut
1/2 teaspoon tamarind paste
1/2 teaspoon salt ( or to taste )
1 tablespoon water

For Seasoning:

1 teaspoon oil
1/2 teaspoon mustard seeds
4 curry leaves


Heat oil in a small pan. Add red chillies and hing ( asafoetida ). Fry on a low heat for 3 - 4 minutes or till nice aroma of hing and a slight color change on red chillies.

Grind this hing - red chilies mixture with grated coconut, tamarind paste, salt and water ( do not add more water ). Make thick and smooth paste. Transfer hing chutney to another bowl.

For Seasoning:

In a pan, heat oil. Add mustard seeds. When they are sputtering add curry leaves. Saute for 2 minutes. Pour seasoning over hing chutney and serve with idli, dosa, ....


  1. looks so yummy n healthy to me...wonder how it tastes,will try it


  2. Loved the addition of hing to the regular coconut chutney..
