Jan 22, 2011

Deep fried meat balls ( 2 recipes - Indian & Italian )

Deep fried mealt balls ( Indian style )

Makes: 8


Minced meat ( chicken / lamb ): 250 gms
Onion: 2 tablespoon ( 30 g )
Coriander leaves - 1 tablespoon ( 15 g )
Green chilli - 1, finely chopped
Maida ( all purpose flour ): 20 gms
Garlic: Two, chopped
Salt and white pepper: To taste ( 1/2 teaspoon each )
Oil for frying - 250 ml


Chop the onion, garlic, green chilli and coriander leaves.

Clean the mutton / chicken keema ( minced mutton ) and mix it with the chopped vegetables and salt and pepper.

Make small balls of the mixture and roll it over bread crumbs and maida ( all purpose flour ).

Heat oil in a frying pan / kadai. Reduce heat to medium and deep fry the balls till golden brown ( 4 -5 balls at a time and avoid high heat ).

Drain and place on kitchen paper to absorb excess oil. Serve as a starter with mayonnaise.

Italian Meat Balls

Recipe credit - The Hindu, Chennai


Mutton keema ( minced mutton ): 250 gms
Onion: 100 gms
Olives (black): Four pieces
Olives (green): Two pieces
Jalapeno (chillies): One piece
Bread crumbs: 25 gms
Maida ( all purpose flour ): 20 gms
Garlic: Two
Curry leaves: A few
Salt and white pepper: To taste


Chop the onion, garlic, green and black olives and keep them all aside.

Clean the mutton keema ( minced mutton ) and mix it with the chopped vegetables and salt and pepper. Make small balls of the mixture and roll it over bread crumbs and maida ( all purpose flour ).

Deep fry the balls. The dish tastes better when it is served with spicy garlic mayo sauce.

Sauce preparation:

Mayonnaise sauce: 100 gms
Capsico sauce: Few drops
Garlic paste: One teaspoon
Salt and white pepper: To taste

Mix all the ingredients to make the spicy garlic mayo sauce. Garnish the sauce with parsley leaves.

1 comment:

  1. meat balls are looking yummy

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