Apr 13, 2011

Health benefits of Chickpeas

Health Benefits of Chickpeas

Chickpeas are good for boosting energy levels as they are an excellent source of manganese, an essential helper in the body’s energy production system. Chickpeas also supply slow - releasing carbohydrates, which stabilize blood sugar, are low in calories and are a good source of iron too.

Nutrition count of chickpeas (Serving size: 126 g or approximately 1/2 cup)

Calories: 100
Fat: 1.5 g
Carbohydrates: 17 g
Proteins: 5 g
Sugar: 2 g
Calcium: 2 %
Iron: 6 %
Vitamin C: 0%

Find here Whole wheat (atta) recipe

Find here Spicy Chhole recipe

When working with dough, don't flour your hands; coat them with olive oil to prevent sticking.

Source - Food & cooking network

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