May 22, 2011

Mango Lassi

Mango Lassi

Serves: 2

You will need

200 g (1 cup) yogurt
3/4 cup ripe mango cubes (please measure yogurt & mango cubes in same measuring cup)
100 to 120 ml water (cool or normal water)
2 tablespoon sugar or honey
1/4 teaspoon cardamom powder


Blend above ingredients (except cardamom powder) in a blender or mixer until smooth. Sprinkle cardamom powder and serve in tall glass.


  1. Perfect cooler for the rising temp...

  2. Hi! I live in Mexico City and it is very hard to find proper indian food here. I did a curry lunch for my friends this past weekend and I went through tons of lassi recipes to find the best. I tried yours and it was amazing. I mixed a bit more cardamom and it was wonderful. Thank you!
