May 18, 2011


Wattalappam (Steamed / baked pudding with eggs, coconut milk, jaggery & spices) - A very tasty dessert !!!

Makes:6 slices

You will need

2 eggs
100 ml (75 ml to 100 ml) melted & sieved jaggery
100 ml thick coconut milk
1/4 teaspoon cardamom powder
1 pinch dried ginger powder
1 pinch nutmeg powder
1 pinch cinnamon powder
1 teaspoon butter (to grease)


Separate egg yolk and white and also beat separately. Finally, mix beaten egg yolk and white. Keep aside.

Mix melted and sieved jaggery, thick coconut milk, cardamom powder, dried ginger powder, cinnamon powder, nutmeg powder and beaten egg yolk and white. Mix all the ingredients well.

Grease a flat bowl with 1 teaspoon butter.

Pour the mixture into a greased flat bowl and cover this with an aluminum foil or grease proof paper.

Steam in pressure cooker ( without weight ) or steamer for 50 minutes on a medium heat or until done and golden brown color. Allow to cool for half an hour and cut into desired shape and size.

To test the wattalappam - Insert a skewer into the centre of the wattalappam. If the skewer comes out clean, then remove from the steamer.