Jun 15, 2011

Potato Balls with Cheese Filling

Potato Balls with Cheese Filling

Makes: 12 potato balls

You will need

3 potatoes, boiled, peeled and mashed
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon garam masala powder
1 tablespoon finely chopped onion
1 slice of bread, soak in water for 30 seconds and then squeeze out water
3 cheese cubes, grated (or 3 tablespoon grated cheese)
1 cup (125 g) maida / all purpose flour / plain flour (dilute maida with 50 ml water and make a smooth solution / paste)
1 1/4 cup ( 150 g) breadcrumbs
250 ml oil for frying


Mix mashed potatoes with salt, garam masala powder, chopped onion and bread slice and make a soft ball. Divide the potato mixture into 12 (10 - 12 balls) equal portions. Make lemon sized balls. Place 1/2 teaspoon grated cheese filling inside the potato mixture, cover and make a ball (See the photo given below).

Apply maida solution / paste on each potato balls and roll it over breadcrumbs. Apply maida solution again over breadcrumbs and roll again over breadcrumbs (2 coatings of maida paste and breadcrumbs. So that the potato balls won’t break when frying). It should be well coated with breadcrumbs.

Heat oil in a frying pan. Reduce heat to medium and deep fry cutlets (4 cutlets at a time) till golden brown on both the sides (Do not fry on high heat). Drain and place on kitchen paper to absorb excess oil and serve hot with tea / coffee.

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