Jan 27, 2013

Creamy Egg Curry

Creamy Egg Curry –  A creamy egg curry, goes well with pulao / parathas / rotis …

Serves: 2


For onion and cashew nut paste:

1 tablespoon oil

1 big onion, chopped (separate each layer)

Heat oil in a small on medium heat.  Add chopped onion and fry until golden brown color. Cover and keep aside for 10 - 15 minutes.

For cashew nuts:

Soak 8 cashew nuts in 2 tablespoon water for one hour and make a smooth paste with fried onion (along with the soaked water) in a small mixer bowl.

Other ingredients

1 tablespoon oil

3 cloves

3 cardamom

2 small cinnamon sticks

1 onion, thinly sliced

¾ teaspoon red chilli powder
1 teaspoon coriander powder
½ teaspoon turmeric powder

150 ml water

¾ teaspoon salt (or to taste)

Cashew nut - onion paste

2 boiled eggs

1 teaspoon chopped coriander leaves


Dilute red chilli powder, coriander powder and turmeric powder in 2 tablespoon water and keep aside.

Heat oil in a pan / karahi on a medium heat.  Add cloves, cardamom and cinnamon sticks. Fry until fragrant (1 minute).

Add sliced onion and fry until golden color and crisp.

Add diluted spice mix. Stir well on a low heat until the raw smell goes and water dries up (approximately 3 minute on a low heat).

Add 150 ml (less than 1 cup water. Gravy won’t be tasty, if it is too thin in consistency) and salt to taste.

 Mix all the ingredients well. Cover with a lid and cook on a medium  heat for 8 – 10 minutes until the gravy boils well.

When the gravy boils nicely, add cashew nut – onion paste.  Stir well. Adjust salt if required. Cover again and cook on a low heat for another 8 minutes. Gravy is ready now.

In a serving bowl, arrange boiled egg and pour the gravy over it. Consume this curry after half an hour. Then it will absorb all the flavours. Serve with pulao / rotis …

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