Jun 14, 2013

Ginger Tea

Ginger Tea - Good for health !!

Makes: 2 tea cups


1 ¼ tea cup water

1 – inch ginger, chopped and crushed

2 teaspoon tea powder (dust variety)

¾ tea cup hot milk

2 to 3 teaspoon sugar (or to taste)


In a bowl or sauce pan, boil water with crushed ginger for 10 – 12 minutes. Switch off the heat and keep aside for 10 minutes (quantity of the water may reduce to ¾ to 1 cup).

Add 2 teaspoon tea powder and boil again for another 2 minutes.

Strain it through a fine iron sieve and add hot milk and sugar as required (approximately ½ to ¾ cup milk and 2 – 3 teaspoon sugar). Serve hot.

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