Jun 15, 2013

Mee Goreng / Mi Goreng

Mee goreng (Indonesian: mie goreng or mi goreng; Malay: mee goreng or mi goreng; both meaning "fried noodles" also known as bami goreng is a dish common in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore. It is made with thin yellow noodles fried in cooking oil with garlic, onion or shallots, fried prawn, chicken, or beef, sliced bakso (meatballs), chili, Chinese cabbage, cabbages, tomatoes, egg, and acar (pickles). Ubiquitous in Indonesia, it can be found everywhere in the country, sold by all food vendors from street-hawkers to high-end restaurants. It is an Indonesian one-dish meal favorite, although street food hawkers commonly sell it together with nasi goreng (fried rice). It is commonly available at mamak stalls in Singapore and Malaysia and is often spicy. Information from Wilipedia.

Recipe of mee goring (my version)

Serves: 1


1 packet mee  (noodles)

1 tablespoon oil

1 onion, thinly sliced

4 garlic cloves

1 green chilli, finely chopped

¼ - inch ginger, finely chopped

1 carrot, cut into thin slices

½ of a bell pepper (capsicum), cut into thin slices

Cooked noodles


Cook noodles according to packet instructions. Do not sprinkle seasoning from the packet. Keep aside.

Heat oil in a pan. Add thinly sliced onions and fry till golden color. Add chopped garlic, green chilli and ginger. Fry again till golden color and crisp.

Add carrot, capsicum or cooked prawns / cooked bone less chicken / meat balls … and fry again for 5  minutes (if using vegetables cook /  fry until almost done and soft. Do not sprinkle water).

Now add cooked noodles and seasoning from the packet. Mix all the ingredients well. Stir continuously for 5 – 8 minutes until all the ingredients well combined. Serve hot with salad / sambal / .. Decorate with fried egg (optional).

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